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英文期刊World History Studies即将创刊

2013年12月09日 15:17    来 源:中国世界史研究网     作者:

  经国家新闻出版广电总局批准,中国社会科学院世界历史研究所与社会科学文献出版社将合作编辑出版英文期刊World History Studies(《世界史研究》),ISSN 2095-6770,CN 10-1180/K。该期刊为半年刊,将于2014年刊印第一期,全球公开发行。

  World History Studies将立足世界史研究前沿,鼓励学术创新,旨在向国际学术界展示中国世界史研究的最新成果,促进中外学者之间的交流和对话,提升我国世界史研究的国际影响力。

  World History Studies将以刊登中国学者的世界史研究成果为主,适当刊登国外学者的研究成果。期刊拟设以下栏目:国别史地区史专题研究、古典文明研究、全球史研究、国际关系史研究、历史视野中的中国与世界、中国世界史研究述评、中国世界史研究新著评介、中国知名世界史学者评介等。

  我们拟将部分投给中文期刊《世界历史》的优秀文稿译成英文,在英文期刊World History Studies发表。


  World History Studies将由社会科学文献出版社出版发行。我们计划通过社会科学文献出版社与外国著名出版机构合作,加强World History Studies的国际传播。世界历史研究所将组织力量负责期刊内容的编辑和翻译工作,社会科学文献出版社将依托自己的网络平台和发行平台,负责期刊的出版和发行工作。期刊同时出版纸质版和电子版两种版本。电子版由相应的国际检索数据库收录,纸质版在国际范围内征订发行。



  A New Milestone in the Development of World History Research in China

  World History Studies Will Start Publication

  Institute of World History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), has been authorized to publish an English Journal, World History Studies, in cooperation with Social Sciences Academic Press (SSAP), CASS. The journal is biannual and will be circulated worldwide, with the first issue coming out in 2014.

  World History Studies will present first-class achievements in world history studies and encourage academic innovations. It aims to introduce the latest studies of world history in China to the international academia and to promote the communication among scholars in China and other parts of the world.

  World History Studies will mainly publish papers on world history by Chinese experts, while contributions of international historians are also welcomed. According to our interim plan, the contents of each issue will be divided into a few sections, including history of individual countries and regions, ancient and medieval civilizations, global history, history of international relations, China and the world in historical context, review of scholarship of world history studies in China, review of the latest Chinese monographs on world history, introduction of influential Chinese scholars on world history, etc.

  In order to secure the academic quality of the journal, we will adopt the procedure of peer review, so as to make strict examination of the articles submitted. The crucial consideration for selection is whether the submitted contributions on world history are original, whether they have achieved a high level in international standard, and whether they thoroughly follow the international academic regulation.

  World History Studies will be printed by SSAP. We plan to cooperate with some world-famous publishing corporations through SSAP, so as to make World History Studies widespread in the world. Institute of World History will organize personnel to undertake the editing and translating tasks for the journal; while SSAP will undertake the responsibility to publish and distribute each issue through its network platform and distribution platform. Every issue will be published in both paper form and electric form. The electric edition will be available online via corresponding international searchable academic databases; and the paper edition will be subscribed and distributed worldwide.

  We hope that we can, with the help and support of scholars on world history at home and abroad, make this journal into an important window for the international academic world to have in sight the research on world history in China and a useful forum for Chinese historians and their international counterparts to communicate with each other.

  We heartily welcome contributions and recommendations of suitable articles to our journal. As a general rule, the draft of the contribution should be written in English and should follow the international academic regulation; while drafts written in Chinese are also accepted in particular cases.


  英文期刊World History Studies征稿启事.doc



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